Monday, April 19, 2010

Michael and Josh Day

Yes, I have now sen Josh and Michael. I saw Michael first on Friday night. (I'll tell about full weekend later.) We had both just got home from a night out and started talking about going to IHOP for pancakes. So we ended up together. I picked him up and before he would get in the car, he made me get out for a hug...awwww.. So I picked him up for IHOP and we ended up just coming back to the house for him to see dad. We all watch The Box...which is a wierd movie.

On Sunday morning, I went to Josh and Michael's house to pick them up for breakfast. I was super nervous since it would be my first time seeing Josh in a really long time. I texted Michael while I was outside and he told me to just come in, so I saw his mom as well. She came to breakfast with us and we were able to catch up a bit. The boys and I decided that we were going to go to a movie, but what should we do until the movie time?

Josh and Michael came up with a plan for Josh to see his dad, so we came and chilled at the house until the movie. So twice this weekend, we went through family pictures, and even better pictures of them when they were really little. After our visit, we went and saw Death at a Funeral...which is hilarious.

After the movie, we got adventurous and went on the New York, New York rollercoaster. I am not a rollercoaster type person since I am scared to death of heights. But Michael insisted that Josh and I sit in the front row since it was both of our first times. Josh held my hand until we got to the top of the hill and we both had that 'Oh Shit' moment as we teetered and ended up going straight down.

After New York, New York we went to the other side of the strip and went to the Stratosphere. This is the tallest place in Vegas....and although I told them I wouldn't go on any of the rides, I did. We went on the Big Shot, which is a ride that takes you 912 feet above the strip and it overlooks all the downtown casinos. The view was awesome, but I seriously thought I was going to stop breathing a couple of times. Josh, Michael and I managed to get some pictures taken on top of the Stratosphere while we waited for our turn on the ride.

We were all DONE after that ride, even though I enjoyed that way more than the rollercoaster, but we did end up getting dinner at Roxie's. The burgers at this place were HUGE and YUMMY!!

I got to hang out with Michael again tonight. I met him and his friend at Panda Express for dinner and we all sat outside and hung out talking for a long time. We then decided to go play pool- which is the most fun I have ever had playing pool. Michael and I determined our 'night' together will be Sundays since we both have Monday off.

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